
Academic Integrity

While you are a student at this college, you will be treated as an adult.  You are expected to know and abide by the rules of the institution as described in the Scot’s Key.  Particular attention should be directed to the appropriate use of materials available on-line through the Internet.  It is important that you read and understand the ethical use of information.  Whether intentional or not, improper use of materials can be considered a violation of academic honesty.

Cheating in any of your academic work is a serious breach of the Wooster Ethic and the Code of Academic Integrity and is grounds for an F for the entire course.  In addition, I am required to forward a record of the incident to the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement.  You will be held responsible for your actions.  If you are unsure as to what is permissible, always consult me first.

You should be aware of the following guidelines regarding plagiarism:

  1. Any idea or argument taken from a work that is not your own – whether it is from a printed source, the internet, or another student – must be properly cited.  You must incorporate an acknowledgment of the source of the idea in a footnote.  If not, your work will be considered plagiarism.
  2. All quotations must be clearly marked with quotation marks in the text and the source identified in a footnote.  If not, your work will be considered plagiarism.
  3. Any group of three or more words taken directly from a work that is not your own must appear in quotation marks and the source identified in a footnote.  If not, your work will be considered plagiarism.
  4. The borrowing of any complete sentence, sentence fragment, or sequence of three words or more from a work that is not your own (whether taken from printed works, the internet, or the work of another student) without quotation marks and without proper citation is considered plagiarism.  This includes words taken from reference works, online book reviews, or student essay posting sites.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center provides professional tutors who work with you to help clarify your thinking and improve the communication of your ideas.  They can help at all stages of writing, from planning to drafting to revision.  I encourage you all to take advantage of this wonderful, free resource for any of your writing assignments.
Location: Andrews Library Level 1.
Hours:         Sunday 6-9     Monday – Thursday 9-5 & 6-9    Friday 9-4    Saturday: closed
Appointments: Walk-in consultations are accepted, but you are encouraged to schedule an appointment online or by calling extension 2205.

The Academic Resource Center

All necessary accommodations will be made for students in this course with learning disabilities.  Please register with Amber Larson, Director of the Academic Resource Center (alarson@wooster.edu) and let me know as soon as possible so we can discuss how to shape the class requirements to best fit your needs.  All discussions will remain confidential.

Laptop Policy

You may use laptops in the classroom. But be very careful. My advice would be to turn off the wifi.

Recording Classroom Activities

No one may record classroom activities without express, written consent from me.


You are expected to faithfully attend this class. If you have to miss. That’s your business. I don’t need to know why you missed or are going to miss a class. It doesn’t matter why you are going to miss. This is course where the classes are not designed around the distribution of information. It’s a class where most of the classes are spent learning how to do things. There’s not a way to replicate that experience. You want to be here so that you can learn the skills that will be necessary to do will in the course. Learning how to do the things that you are going to be expected to know how to do, is the key to passing the course.

Late Work

I expect all work to be turned in when it is due. And in the format that it requires. (See below). Over the first twenty-four hours something is late, that paper will suffer a letter-grade penalty. Over the next, a two letter-grade penalty. Over the next, a three letter-grade penalty. After seventy-two hours, the assignment will receive a zero.

Electronic Submissions

Turn in every assignment as a typewritten document.

Turn in every assignment as a pdf file.

Title every pdf file using your last name as the first word of the title.

Include (after your last name) in the title some clue as what the assignment is SPECIFIC TO THIS CLASS

Attach every pdf to the email – not as a link – One Drive often has the link set as a default, change it.